Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Cousin Katrina

This is my cousin's Family aren't they adorable!

Family of 7 now 8 
This is baby Jett Li

this is Koa

This is Dax
this is Maya
This is Te
This is Big Brother Kai

Katrina, what to say about Katrina.
Well She was a Daughter, a Sister, a Friend, a Cousin, a Wife, a Mother, and she was absolutely wonderful!
She was the type of lady that will be remembered for years! She was so sweet and kind to everyone that she met. Her family always came first and nothing was more important!

She was the mother of 5 and expecting baby Jet and in the last couple weeks of her pregnancy she started to have complications. She was on bed rest from there on out. The night before she was due to have a c-section she started to bleed, so they took her in to an emergency c-section. She kept bleeding and it was too much to handle. Her heart stopped, and the doctors couldn't fix it. They were able to get baby Jet, he was still early so he needed a lot of help. He was in the hospital being looked after for the next couple weeks. He is now a healthy very loved baby!

It has taken me soo long to write this blog post. I've been wanting to for awhile but I had no words to explain this strange tragedy. The day I found out I was sitting in US Government and I got a text from my dad, explaining that Katrina had experienced complications, I knew she wasn't doing well but I never knew how serious it was until well after it was too late. By the time I got home the news was official. She had passed away, leaving 6 beautiful children and a loving husband behind. It was so hard to wrap my head around the fact that she wasn't there anymore. How thankful I am that she was in our lives for the time she was. She was such a huge example to everyone that met her. It is now our job to carry on her lasting legacy. She was an amazing women, loved everyone she met, cared and remembered everyone, and always made you feel special no matter how bad she felt. In honor of Katrina I write this post. 

I am so very thankful for the gospel, it like Katrina has been a blessing in my life. It is easier to prepare for the storm when you can see the rain clouds coming, It doesn't always make it easier though. Through the gospel I know that someday I will see Katrina again. Although her family doesn't have her here on earth, they will always have her in Heaven. They have been sealed for time and all eternity. Her job was done here on earth and our Heavenly Father needed her on the other side. I know she is helping so many feel loved and accepted where ever she is and who ever she helps. The gospel of Jesus Christ has brought me soo much comfort in my life. I regret so badly the times I took it for granted. If you aren't LDS look in to it, read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and see how you feel. I promise it is a feeling you will never forget.

aren't the LDS temples so beautiful? I sure love them! I can't wait to be married there someday, and have my family, not just be family here on earth, but for ever and always in my heart and in heaven.

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