My Object is my CTR ring
Its small and round
Fits perfectly around my ring finger on my right hand
Its symbolic and a memory
Symbolic of the life I want/strive to have
In memory of the life I’ve left behind
C: Choose
T: The
R: Right
Such a simple phrase, but so much meaning with in the lines
It’s silver and thin
Not bulky at all.
I don’t like the big Godey rings, I think they are silly and
They sit there trying to represent riches but instead
represent pride
Not my CTR ring
Although to me there is pride for my religion
But that’s not the right way to say it.
It is more of a love for my church, for the gospel, for my Christ
C: Choose
T: The
R: Right
Its written in cursive, it looks classy to me
Again symbolic of the life I want to have.
It states what I stand for
It is who I am